TranslatePress Personal Changelog


  • SEO Pack: Fixed sitemap hreflang codes not reflecting the Advanced setting to remove country code


  • SEO Pack: Added support for translating article:section and article:tag meta tags


  • SEO Pack: Fixed compatibility issue with ACF where translated CPT base slug would lead to 404 pages


  • SEO Pack: Fixed 404 urls when selecting multiple terms in a category on translated pages, generally used in filtering features


  • SEO Pack: Fixed edge case issue with incorrectly translating post slugs in default language
  • SEO Pack: Added extra parameters to trp_get_term_args hook


  • SEO Pack: Improved automatic slug translation when original slug contains hyphens by preventing translation engines from sometimes generating identical translations with the original slug
  • SEO Pack: Added filter trp_allow_redirect_to_translated_url to prevent redirect in custom cases
  • SEO Pack: Added filter trp_get_term_args when searching for the original term slug based on translation


  • SEO Pack: Fixed automatic slug translation issue with The Events Calendar plugin


  • SEO Pack: Fixed some cases of disappearing CPT slugs translations leading to 404 pages
  • SEO Pack: Improved handling of translated slugs when using Automatic Slug Translation


  • Fixed an edge case issue that prevented activation of TranslatePress - Personal plugin
  • SEO Pack: Fixed issue with Automatic Slug Translation when having multiple post types queried


  • SEO Pack: Added hook when saving post slugs


  • SEO Pack: Fixed edge case error with trim function being passed an array
  • Extra languages: Improved handling extra languages in TranslatePress General settings


  • SEO Pack: Fixed some cases of re-saving WooCommerce permalinks adding an extra slash to product cpt causing 404
  • SEO Pack: Fixed url encoding in non-latin languages when automatic slug translation is on
  • SEO Pack: Fixed automatic slug translation not working for cpt on individual posts
  • SEO Pack: Fixed language switcher not working from one language to another when translating slugs in non-latin languages


  • SEO Pack: Added filter trp_redirect_status to allow changing redirect status from all wp_redirect calls


  • SEO Pack: Fixed dependency error if TP Multilingual is not up-to-date


  • SEO Pack: Fixed WooCommerce product slug translation in Hebrew


  • SEO Pack: Fixed slug translation in urls from sitemap generated by All in One SEO plugin
  • SEO Pack: Fixed missing default language urls from sitemap generated by All in One SEO plugin when first language is not the default language


  • SEO Pack: Fixed issue with term slug translation created with JetEngine
  • SEO Pack: Fixed notice with undefined variable


  • Fix: an issue regarding the translation of taxonomies and terms in wp query requests


  • SEO Pack: Improved compatibility with Elementor Sitemap


  • SEO Pack: Fixed WooCommerce taxonomies slugs manual translations not saving properly in some cases
  • SEO Pack: Added filter to fix edge case issue on listing page in WP dashboard


  • SEO Pack: Fixed sitemap containing urls with language slugs linking to paths excluded from translation
  • SEO Pack: Fixed issue affecting translation of some particular JSON requests


  • Multiple Languages: Added language formality setting to be used in Automatic Translation


  • SEO Pack: Show unique translated slug after saving translation in String Translation Editor
  • SEO Pack: Sanitized translated slugs for CPT slugs and Taxonomy slugs


  • SEO Pack: Fixed php notices about term_id


  • SEO Pack: Added support for translating og image, og image alt and other image related meta tags used in SEO
  • SEO Pack: Fixed cases when language switcher did not work when tax base slug and term slug were translated with special chars in them
  • SEO Pack: Fixed cases of 404 when both tax base and term slug translations had special characters in them


  • Added Install & Activate button in notice if TranslatePress - Multilingual is not active


  • SEO Pack: Fixed an issue with /shop/%product_cat%/ permalink for WooCommerce


  • Fixed SEO Pack refreshing Yoast sitemap on add-on activation/deactivation


  • First repackaged version

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