TranslatePress Free Changelog


  • Fixed menu language switcher showing Current Language instead of actual language name


  • Added compatibility with PWA plugin
  • Added missing flag for Kyrgyz language
  • Fixed menu language switcher labels not being taken into account
  • Fixed issue with custom css being broken on translated language
  • Fixed notice related to language switcher inside Elementor content


  • Fixed issue on checkout page when using BABE Payment Pack
  • Fixed issue showing Unsupported languages when changing API key
  • Fixed CSS issue with language switcher shortcode in Elementor pop-up
  • Fixed deprecated PHP notice when using rtrim function
  • Fixed edge case issue with license being invalid on Automatic Translation tab


  • Fixed compatibility with older versions of PHP 7


  • New Feature: TranslatePress AI translation engine
  • Fixed Translate Page button missing in Gutenberg Editor
  • Fixed edge case issue where specific style tags were detected for translation


  • Fixed nonce issue on the Database Optimization form
  • Fixed edge case issue with the Automatic Translation settings default values


  • Improved page load speed by caching translation blocks query
  • Improved page load speed by adding index by block type
  • Fixed frequency of diagnostics usage requests when Marketing Opt-in is active


  • Fixed compatibility issue with WP Job Board Pro PDFs
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Brikk theme forms
  • Fixed scanning plugins and theme files for translation when Oxygen is active


  • Improved automatic translation character count to better enforce enforce daily limit
  • When Marketing opt-in feature is enabled, automatic translation usage is included in the non-sensitive diagnostic tracking data
  • Added support for translating more meta tags


  • Fixed translation saved confirmation message in the Translation Editor
  • Fixed CSS issue in Advanced settings
  • Fixed notice in TranslatePress settings


  • Fixed potential security issue in the language switcher
  • Fixed floating language switcher appearance when displaying only flags on sites with many languages
  • Minor UI tweaks in TranslatePress settings


  • Fixed issue with Exclude only certain paths advanced option on subfolder path installs
  • Improved Error Manager by outputting the entire failed query
  • Improved SQL error handling in trp-ajax calls


  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce Product Filters by barn2


  • Fixed relative urls with anchor links on translated pages
  • Fixed searching in translated languages on sites with specific plugins combination


  • Added new feature that displays translation percentage for current page in Translation Editor
  • Added RSS Feed support for translating title, content and excerpt
  • Added support for Duplicate Page plugin resolving post slug translation conflict
  • Added compatibility with Fluent Forms
  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings plugin
  • Added WP Webhooks Automator under recommended plugins
  • Fixed deprecated warning in PHP 8.1


  • Allow translation of comments and categories in REST API
  • Improved compatibility with Complianz plugin
  • Improved rules for creating translation blocks


  • Fixed some cases of unnecessarily detecting text inside script tags
  • Fixed compatibility code with Oxygen


  • Improved page loading speed when WooCommerce is active
  • Fixed some cases of errors on function insert_gettext_string
  • Fixed edge case issue with missing tables


  • Improved page loading speed by optimizing code handling gettext
  • Improved page loading speed when Query Monitor plugin is active
  • Fixed internal links not being translated when using Do not translate certain paths feature
  • Fixed trp-gettext wrappings on Query Monitor strings
  • Fixed flag for Hindi and Punjabi (India) languages


  • Fixed absolute paths not working in the Exclude Paths From Translation option
  • Fixed Pencil icon displayed in wrong positions on WP Forms in the Translation Editor
  • Added missing Sindhi language flag
  • When Marketing opt-in feature is enabled, list of active plugins is now included in the non-sensitive diagnostic tracking data
  • Updated logos for Profile Builder and Paid Member Subscriptions in the recommended plugins section


  • Improved DOM parser to better handle HTML comments
  • Improved Database optimization tool's default operations


  • Fixed some cases of 404 on translated pages for WooCommerce permalinks
  • Improved compatibility with RankMath


  • Added loader component as extra parameter in trp_allow_tp_to_run hook to ease integration with 3rd parties
  • Fixed edge case error with undefined variable $disabled_language
  • Fixed notice about deprecated property in php 8.2
  • Fixed edge case error in class-error-manager.php file


  • Fixed some cases of disappearing CPT slugs translations leading to 404 pages
  • Fixed incorrectly adding empty href attributes to link tags on translated pages
  • Fixed PHP 8 deprecated notices regarding dynamically defined properties


  • Added a new item in Database optimization tool to fix some cases of gettext not being selectable in Translation Editor
  • Fixed Edit pencil icon being difficult to click when hovering over certain text in Translation Editor
  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
  • Improved compatibility with WP Rocket


  • Improved settings UI by showing formality option only for languages and translation engines that support it
  • Fixed focus on search input when opening the languages dropdown in settings
  • Removed unnecessary calls for Marketing opt-in feature


  • Redesigned TranslatePress Settings Advanced tab UI using subtabs
  • Improved the translation status icons for the case when multiple strings are shown at once in Translation Editor
  • Fixed deprecated notice on php 8


  • Updated look of language switchers for shortcode generated and floating options
  • Added notice in TranslatePress settings to avoid adding duplicate languages with different formalities
  • Fixed deprecated warning triggered by date_create function
  • Fixed bug with some strings not being editable in Translation Editor


  • Improved security by escaping form actions
  • Fixed filtering by gettext domain in String Translation
  • Fixed title positioning in String Translation UI
  • Added more information in our opt-in non-sensitive diagnostic tracking


  • Redesigned Translation Editor UI to match the latest WordPress style
  • Fixed hreflang language code attribute for languages with formal/informal in their default code
  • Added missing Aragonese language flag


  • Added Language Switcher block in Gutenberg Editor
  • Fixed edge case error regarding __return_true function


  • Improved converting urls in different languages
  • Fixed language switcher directing to page not found in some edge cases

Click Here to view the full changelog.

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