Translation of RTL Languages

Our plugin is fully compatible with RTL (right-to-left) language translation. However, RTL support is dependent on your theme’s compatibility.

While WordPress determines whether a language is RTL, the theme is responsible for the proper display of RTL languages. As long as your theme supports RTL, our plugin will integrate seamlessly.

How to Manage the Translation of RTL Languages

It is important to avoid setting alignment directly from your back-end in the default language, as this may impact the alignment of content in additional languages.

Text alignment settings
Wrong text alignment for RTL language

But if this is mandatory, you can add CSS only for specific languages by using the .translatepress class from the document body.

For example: .item_1 is a class of your element and you can change its position just for the RTL language (notice the .translatepress class with the specific language code in it).

.translatepress-ar .item_1 { text-align: right; }

You can adjust the alignment of elements using the .translatepress class with CSS, as shown in the example below.

You can add the CSS in Appearance ⮕ Customize ⮕ Additional CSS.

RTL text alignment CSS
Manually Customizing CSS

If you want to change all elements that are set to left alignment to right alignment instead, you can target the class .has-text-align-left.

Correct text alignment for RTL language

You can also manually add an additional CSS class to the desired element in order to target it.

Manually adding CSS for text alignment
Manually customizing additional CSS
Translation of RTL language done with TranslatePress

In this example, the font family, font size, and color were modified for a specific paragraph in an additional language.

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