Wondering how to delete translations in TranslatePress? Or maybe even the entire plugin data?
TranslatePress saves your translations into the database – however, deleting the plugin won’t erase them (in order not to accidentally lose all your work).
If you’re looking to delete all the translations and plugin data, you will have to access your database using a management tool like phpMyAdmin and manually delete the created tables, options, and meta keys.
Below are the exact steps you need to take to remove all plugin data (translations included) from your database:
Here is a list of all the tables which are created by TranslatePress:
You can achieve this manually or by using the SQL queries mentioned below.
Here is a list of all the options and meta keys created by TranslatePress, along with the tables in which they are inserted:
In order to automatically delete all the data mentioned above, the following queries can be used:
delete from wp_options where option_name like '_trp_%' or option_name like 'trp_%';
delete from wp_termmeta where meta_key like '_trp_%' or meta_key like 'trp_%';
delete from wp_postmeta where meta_key like '_trp_%' or meta_key like 'trp_%';
delete from wp_usermeta where meta_key like '_trp_%' or meta_key like 'trp_%';
Note: The default WordPress database prefix is wp_, replace it with your own database prefix.
By following the 2 steps above you’ll remove all existing translations and plugin data added by TranslatePress to your database.