Colin Newcomer

Author at TranslatePress

translation memory

The Power of Translation Memory in Localization

If you’re working on a localization project, having access to translation memory software can be really helpful for improving efficiency, ensuring consistency, and reducing costs. But what actually is a translation memory system, and what are the more in-depth reasons that it’s such a necessity for localization? That’s what you’re going to learn about in […]
wordpress sitemap plugins

7 Best WordPress Sitemap Plugins for Multilingual Sites

Searching for the best WordPress sitemap plugins for your site? Sitemaps are an essential feature for all WordPress sites because they help search engines (and potentially human visitors) discover your site’s content and understand the structure of your site. In WordPress 5.5, released in August 2020, WordPress added a core feature to create an XML […]
professional website translation

How to Conduct Professional Website Translation Using Web Translation Services

Want to have your website professionally translated but not sure where to start? If you’re serious about connecting with a multilingual audience, having your site professionally translated can be a good investment to create the best experience for your visitors and help you achieve your business goals. But at the same time, professional translation projects […]